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Tim Jordan Kirtan in Davis, CA

  • Kaya Yoga 612 4th Street Davis, CA, 95616 United States (map)

Join us for the 1st Kirtan of the year at Kaya Yoga in Davis. If you’re not familiar with this form of yoga, come and find out what it’s all about. Kirtan is a devotional practice of chanting or singing the names of the Divine in call and response format. It originated in India, but is practiced universally. Mantras, sacred vibrations contained in the sound structure of Sanskrit, are chanted with the accompaniment of music. In our case, a band. So if you love to sing, or love to hear singing, join us for what promises to be a magical night of community and connection. 

When we sing we connect, we open our hearts, we heal. Help us start 2018 off with a high vibration by joining us for an evening of singing, dancing, and a joyous celebration of heart opening Kirtan.

The studio has bolsters, blocks, and blankets, but if you have a mediation cushion or something you like to sit on, please bring it. 

Suggested donation for the evening is $10, but no one will be turned away for smaller donations. 

We need your voice, the world needs your voice!

For more information on Kirtan, visit Tim's website:

Earlier Event: February 7
Reiki Practitioner Night
Later Event: February 11
Sound Healing/Reiki Workshop