Shifting to a Quarterly Format

Several people have contacted me over the last couple of months wondering why they weren't getting my emails anymore, and I had an easy answer for them.

I am not sending them out monthly anymore.

Life cycles change with the seasons of life, and currently I just don't have it in me to send out a newsletter every month. I am switching to sending out longer form emails like this one quarterly with each passing season, and possibly short reminder emails before each event.

Take note of the dates on the calendar on the website and put them in your calendar now because you may not get that reminder from me for the next practitioner night, and if you want to join us and practice some more Reiki with a group, you will want to ensure that you will remember. I have enjoyed those nights immensely and would love for you to join us.

Also on the calendar you will find more information about the upcoming Jikiden Reiki Shoden Class on July 27-28. Let me know this week if you are interested in taking the class so I can get the materials for you.

Also on the calendar you will see information regarding a hybrid retreat where I will be presenting on "Bridging the Gap Between Spiritual & Physical Health with Reiki" in October. It is a full weekend retreat with 18 speakers covering a wide variety of topics, and you can attend either online or in person in Arizona. If you have any questions about it let me know.

Until next time, stay cool this summer!