I hope you all enjoyed that spectacular Blue Moon last week. It really lit up the sky so beautifully.
This month we begin our transition from the high-energy season of summer to the cooler energy of fall, and it also begins the transition in our personal numerology from this year to the next.
September, being the 9th month of the year, gives us a chance to reconnect with our Personal Year Numerology because your personal numerology for this month is the same as your numerology for this year. This gives you an opportunity to check in with how you have done so far in terms of being in flow with the theme of the year for you and get back on track for the rest of the year if you have wandered.
(If you are not sure what your Personal Year Number is, I explain what it is and how to calculate it here.)
You can then benefit from that reconnection and use it for the rest of the year because your numerology for the last three months of the year is always a repeat of the first three months of the year.
Take a few moments to reflect on what flowed well in January, February, and March, and perhaps, lean into those areas a little more in the last quarter of the year. Tap into what wants to flow naturally and go with it.
As you get closer to the end of the year, the energy of November and December is always repeated in January and February however they will not feel exactly the same because your Personal Year Number will have changed. In those two months you can really begin the transition from 2023 to 2024, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.
Enjoy the equinox in a couple of weeks and get back or stay in alignment with your numerology of 2023! Now is the time to build the momentum to finish the year strong!
Transitioning from Summer to Fall
"Autumn transition" by polarkac is licensed under CC BY 2.0.